This is a letter that is basically advice from who I hope to be in the future to the person I am now. Enjoy!
want to first start by telling you I know you will get through this. When
things are bleak and seem hopeless, God is always by your side. I know you
think that is so cheesy. You can’t see God, He can’t physically touch you to
comfort you like the many men that have been in your life. But He can touch
your heart, your soul.
is with you those nights you are crying from a shattered heart because another
guy has let you down.
hears you when you ask why He puts desires on your heart that he hasn’t filled.
sees you desperately trying to do anything you can to find joy and pleasure
only to be disappointed the next day.
patient. I know you hate hearing that. You’ve been patient for years. Everyone
around you seems so happy with their lives, they have boyfriends, fiancĂ©’s,
husbands, and children. Everything you think you want right now.
you aren’t ready.
this time to read your Bible, even when you don’t want to. Get on your knees
and pray. It will feel awkward at first, but it is so freeing. I know you feel
like you don’t want to be around people or go to church. You don’t feel like
you belong there because of your tainted past.
this, you are forgiven.
people love you and care for you far more than you can ever know. And even when
you don’t want to be around them, do it anyway. You will thank me later.
diligent and do these things and you will find God, your father, your friend,
and bring you more joy than you can imagine.
are beautiful, smart, funny, loving, talented and you are the daughter of the
ever, EVER live as if you are anything less.